A hospital is among the most dangerous places to work, even more so than a construction site or manufacturing plant. As a result, healthcare professionals – from caregivers, to administrators, to anyone working within a healthcare facility – need the best training to ensure they’re providing a safe environment for patients and employees.
Depending on the type of facility, employers may have to comply with training regulations from different agencies like OSHA, JCAHO, and the DOT. Our expansive selection of training makes it easy to meet these complex requirements and prepare employees for the hazards they may encounter in their daily jobs.
We offer best-in-class training on many of the topics found in OSHA’s most frequently cited violations for the healthcare industry, including:
This e-learning training course discusses situations that can lead to back injuries and what employees can do to avoid them...both at work and at home.
This e-learning training course for Office and Maintenance Personnel course discusses situations that can lead to back injuries and what employees can do to avoid them... both at work and at home.
This e-learning training course discusses how lifting and carrying things can affect the back, and how medical personnel can use safe lifting techniques to help them avoid back injuries in a healthcare facility.
This training course discusses how lifting and carrying things can affect the back, and how office and maintenance personnel can use safe lifting techniques to help them avoid back injuries in a healthcare facility.
This training course discusses how to identify, handle, and prevent incidents of violence in hospitals, urgent care facilities and other medical environments, and the regulations that are in place to protect healthcare workers from violent situations.
This award-winning respiratory protection training familiarizes learners with workplace breathing hazards, including oxygen-deficient atmospheres, and how to protect themselves.
This training is designed to help learners recognize biohazard markings and guide them through an exposure incident.
This training is designed to instruct learners about chemicals and the methods used to provide them with information about their hazards.
Access the industry’s largest online training library, consisting of 950+ unique E-Learning courses, 500+ customizable training resources, and more.
Make the most of your classroom training sessions with 300+ hi-res training videos developed by adult learning specialists.
Enjoy maximum flexibility in and out of the classroom with 24/7 access to hundreds of titles and our free mobile app for training on the go.
Backed by 70 years of industry experience, our courses center on actionable learning objectives and receive regular updates from our in-house experts to reflect the latest regulatory changes.
Easily track which employees have been trained on which topics and when, and identify any lapses in your training program – at no added cost.
As an administrator, you’ll gain exclusive access to the J. J. Keller® Training Knowledge Center, where you can reference word-for-word regulations, ask our experts specific compliance questions, and more.