HAZWOPER Training 8-Hour Refresher — Waste Site Workers

This high-impact, 5-course training curriculum helps meet the requirements for 8-hour HAZWOPER refresher training annually.

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According to OSHA, a "cleanup operation" is an operation where hazardous substances are removed, contained, incinerated, neutralized, stabilized, cleared-up, or in any other manner processed or handled with the goal of making the site safer for people or the environment. All employees working on sites with cleanup operations covered by the HAZWOPER standard must receive initial and refresher training if they are exposed to hazardous substances, health hazards, or safety hazards. The following worker types must receive annual, 8-hour refresher training, per 29 CFR 1910.120(e)(8):

  • General waste site workers - Workers (such as equipment operators, general laborers and supervisory personnel) engaged in hazardous substance removal or other activities that expose or potentially expose the workers to hazardous substances and health hazards.
  • Routine site workers - Workers regularly onsite who work in areas that have been monitored and fully characterized indicating that exposures are under permissible exposure limits (PELs) and published exposure limits where respirators are not necessary, and the characterization indicates that there are no health hazards or the possibility of an emergency developing.
  • Non-routine site workers - Workers onsite only occasionally for a specific limited task (such as, but not limited to, groundwater monitoring, land surveying, or geo-physical surveying) and who are unlikely to be exposed over PELs and published exposure limits.
  • On-site management and supervisors - Managers and supervisors directly responsible for, or who supervise employees engaged in, hazardous waste operations.

The above employees, managers, and supervisors shall receive 8 hours of refresher training annually in the following and other relevant topics:

  • Names of personnel and alternates responsible for site safety and health;
  • Safety, health, and other hazards present on the site;
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) use;
  • Work practices by which the worker can minimize risks from hazards;
  • Safe use of engineering controls and equipment on the site;
  • Medical surveillance requirements, including recognition of symptoms and signs that might indicate overexposure to hazards;
  • Decontamination procedures;
  • The site's emergency response plan for safe and effective responses to emergencies, including the necessary PPE and other equipment;
  • Confined space entry procedures; and
  • The site's spill containment program.

Managers and supervisors must also be refreshed annually in the employer's safety and health program and the associated employee training program, personal protective equipment program, and health hazard monitoring procedure and techniques.

HAZWOPER 8-Hour Refresher Training: Waste Site Workers curriculum

There are five e-learning courses included within the HAZWOPER 8-Hour Refresher Training: Waste Site Workers curriculum:

HAZWOPER: Refresher for Waste Site Workers: Introduction to HAZWOPER

This HAZWOPER refresher training focuses on the basics of the regulations as they apply to waste site workers.

HAZWOPER: Refresher for Waste Site Workers: PPE and Other Hazard Control Measures

This HAZWOPER refresher training focusing on personal protective equipment (PPE) and control measures.

HAZWOPER: Refresher for Waste Site Workers: Hazard Recognition

This HAZWOPER refresher training discusses the importance of detecting hazardous materials, as well as the equipment and procedures used in the process.

HAZWOPER: Refresher for Waste Site Workers: Air Monitoring and Medical Program

HAZWOPER training covering the essentials of monitoring procedures and equipment

HAZWOPER: Refresher for Waste Site Workers: Emergency Response and Decontamination

HAZWOPER refresher training focusing proper emergency response and decontamination procedures.

Intended Audience: Any employees who may be involved or expected to engage in:

  1. Hazardous waste cleanup operations where the employee may be exposed to hazardous substances; or
  2. A response to an occurrence which results, or is likely to result, in an uncontrolled release of a hazardous substance
  • Copyright Date:

  • 2018

IMPORTANT NOTE: In OSHA's view, HAZWOPER online training, by itself, is not sufficient to meet the intent of the agency's training requirements for HAZWOPER, 29 CFR 1910.120 for general industry or 29 CFR 1926.65 for construction. Therefore, online training must be supplemented by site-specific elements, hands-on[1] training and exercises, and an opportunity for trainees to ask questions of a qualified trainer. When using this course curriculum as a tool to help with refresher training under §1910.120(e)(8)/§1926.65(e)(8), we suggest you:

  • Ensure your trainer is qualified, in accordance with §1910.120(e)(5)/§1926.65(e)(5);
  • Augment the online training with site-specific elements;
  • Tailor your training to the employees' assigned duties;
  • Include hands-on[1] training to re-familiarize trainees with equipment, PPE, and safe practices;
  • Provide trainees with immediate and direct access to a qualified trainer as they are taking the course;
  • Offer an opportunity for trainees to ask questions of the qualified trainer;
  • Ensure all training elements listed in the regulation are covered;
  • Meet the training duration requirement under §1910.120(e)(8)/§1926.65(e)(8) (NOTE: This online training course curriculum is not intended to fill the training duration requirement of 8 hours, and it is anticipated the remaining duration will be filled with the items in the suggested bullet items above); and
  • Ensure the trainer (or head instructor) and employer certify the trainee has, in fact, met the applicable refresher training requirements in accordance with §1910.120(e)(8)/§1926.65(e)(8). (NOTE: The online training course curriculum does not provide HAZWOPER certification; the online course curriculum certificate only acknowledges the completion of the online refresher training itself).

[1] For HAZWOPER refresher training, OSHA indicated in a 10/11/1994 letter that the employer may determine that hands-on training is unnecessary for a given refresher course. To make this determination, however, OSHA indicated that the employer must assess the employees' skill level and ensure that the employees remain competent in their assigned duties. In general, OSHA encourages the use of hands-on training even in refresher courses because it is an effective means for auditing worker performance of safety-related skills.

African american learner in headphones studying through online training

These training programs are also available to download for use on your own Learning Management System (LMS) or company intranet!

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