Reasonable Suspicion Training

Fulfill the DOT Reasonable Suspicion Training Requirements of 49 CFR 382.603.

This Reasonable Suspicion Training curriculum is designed to help driver supervisors understand how to deal with a driver who may be impaired by alcohol and/or drugs.

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Carriers with drivers who require a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) need driver supervisors who are trained on alcohol misuse and drug use. They must be familiar with signs of probable misuse. This is an important first step in keeping unsafe, impaired drivers off the road. Reasonable Suspicion Training is designed to help driver supervisors understand how to deal with a driver who may be impaired by alcohol and/or drugs. This training program is intended to help supervisors make good decisions when determining reasonable suspicion.

This curriculum is designed to fully satisfy the requirements of 49 CFR 382.603, including the one hour of training on alcohol misuse, plus one hour on controlled substance use. It includes additional, vital information on day-to-day activities for a driver supervisor responsible for recognizing impaired drivers and following through on documentation and next steps.

Training topics included in the Reasonable Suspicion Curriculum

Reasonable Suspicion Training: Who It Applies To

This training is designed to help driver supervisors understand some of the facts and statistics resulting from alcohol misuse.

Reasonable Suspicion Training: Grounds for Alcohol Suspicion

This training is designed to help driver supervisors understand what needs to apply for alcohol testing.

Reasonable Suspicion Training: Grounds for Drug Suspicion

This training is designed to help driver supervisors recognize when a driver may be sent for drug testing.

Reasonable Suspicion Training: Effects of Alcohol Misuse

This training is designed to help driver supervisors understand the short and long-term effects of alcohol misuse.

Reasonable Suspicion Training: Alcohol Driving Impairment

This training is designed to help driver supervisors understand how alcohol affects a person's driving abilities.

Reasonable Suspicion Training: Effects of Stimulant Drug Use

This training is designed to help driver supervisors recognize the signs and symptoms of stimulant drug use.

Reasonable Suspicion Training: Effects of Depressant Drug Use

This training is designed to help driver supervisors recognize the signs and symptoms of depressant drug use.

Reasonable Suspicion Training: Testing Process

This training is designed to help driver supervisors understand and follow the required process for reasonable suspicion testing.

Reasonable Suspicion Training: Responding to Out-of-Scope Suspicion

This training is designed to help driver supervisors understand how they should respond to situations that are not covered by reasonable suspicion regulations.

Reasonable Suspicion Training: How to Document a Requested Reasonable Test

This training is designed to help driver supervisors understand how to document reasonable suspicion.

Reasonable Suspicion Training: Test Results

This training is designed to help driver supervisors understand best practices to follow when they receive results.

Reasonable Suspicion Training: Responding to Failed Tests

This training is designed to help driver supervisors understand what they should do after drivers fail a test.

Reasonable Suspicion Training: Trends in Alcohol Use

This training is designed to help driver supervisors understand some of the facts and statistics resulting from alcohol misuse.

Reasonable Suspicion Training: Trends in Drug Use

This training is designed to help driver supervisors understand some of the facts and statistics resulting from alcohol misuse.

African american learner in headphones studying through online training

These training programs are also available to download for use on your own Learning Management System (LMS) or company intranet!

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Reasonable Suspicion Training

Part 382 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSR) of the alcohol and drug testing regulations describes standards for preventing accidents and injuries as a result of driver misuse of alcohol and/or use of drugs. Reasonable suspicion training helps driver supervisors understand how to deal with a driver who may be impaired by alcohol and/or drugs.

Certain roles in the company may be required to determine reasonable suspicion and send a driver for testing. The regulation addressing reasonable suspicion testing refers to "all persons designated to supervise drivers." This could include dispatchers, lead workers or foremen, and managers with various responsibilities.

Yes. Section 382.603 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) states that all people who are designated to supervise drivers who operate commercial motor vehicles requiring commercial driver's licenses (CDLs) must receive at least 60 minutes of training on alcohol misuse and an additional 60 minutes of training on drug use. The training must include the physical, behavioral, speech, and performance indicators of probable alcohol misuse and use of controlled substances. 

Documentation of the reasonable suspicion training given to supervisors must be maintained for as long as the supervisor is performing this function and for 2 years after it ceases.

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